domenica 31 maggio 2009

Karibuni watoto!

Ciao amici,
Poche righe per presentarvi lo spettacolo che due giorni fa ci si e’ presentato davanti agli occhi. La nursery room di Niakyanga e’ finalmente pronta! Vedere il lavoro ultimato e’ stata un’emozione unica. Il nostro grande grazie va a tutti voi, e agli amici di SLICO che hanno abilmente diretto i lavori!
Asante sana, muno muno muno!
Dear friends,
Few words to tell you that the first project fundraised by Murang’a’s Friends is accomplished. The nursery room in Niakyanga is now complete, and ready to host children! It has been fantastic to see the work finished. A big big thank you to all of you for your efforts, and to SLICO’s friends, who have so skilfully supervised the work.
Asante sana, muno muno muno!

mercoledì 13 maggio 2009

Niakyanga’s nursery room: work in progress

Siamo felici (e anche un po’ fieri di voi!) di mostrarvi le prime immagini degli amici di SLICO al lavoro....anche noi ci abbiamo provato, con risultati discutibili!
Grazie davvero.

Dear all,
We’re glad to show you SLICO’s friends at work, painting the room...we also tried, but with poor results!
Thank you all guys.

lunedì 11 maggio 2009

News from Murang'a

Ciao amici,
Ecco il primo passo: domani saremo al Centro di Cura di Niakyanga, impegnati a sistemare la sala per i bambini sieropositivi!!!
Dipingeremo a fresco le pareti e la arrederemo con un tappeto, una lavagna, giochi, tavolini e seggiole.
E’ bello pensare che grazie all’aiuto di tutti voi stiamo costruendo qualcosa di utile per queste persone.
Da tre settimane stiamo inoltre sostenendo Josephine e Jane, due donne al III stadio di AIDS, al momento troppo deboli per poter lavorare e nutrire i figli. Jane e’ stata buttata fuori casa dal suo stesso fratello, ma crediamo che al massimo entro 15 giorni avra’ una casa, che costruiremo grazie al progetto Amici di Murang’a. E’ un piccolo cambiamento rispetto ai piani iniziali, ma non siamo riusciti a tirarci indietro di fronte a tanta sofferenza. Nei prossimi giorni compreremo anche tavoli, sfigmomanometri, lettini e il primo frigorifero per gli ambulatori del distretto.

Here is our first step: tomorrow we will be at the Niakyanga Health Centre to build a nursery room for HIV-positive children!!!
We’ll paint the walls new and put a table with chairs, toys, a chalkboard and a carpet.
Three weeks ago we have started supported Josephine and Jane, two III stage AIDS women who are too weak to work and to feed their children. Jane was even sent off her family house by her own brother but, thanks to your contribution, we are going to build a house for her.
Our friend want to say hello to you:

Murang'a's Friends Project

It has been more than four months since we came to live in Murang’a North District (Central Province of Kenya), involved in the coordination of an important Project on HIV and in particular on PMTCT (Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission). From the very beginning, it has been a very stimulating experience that gave us the chance to teach something about HIV and AIDS to many people, especially to pregnant mothers.
Our Italian NGO work closely with SLICO, a local NGO made up by eight persons who have spent many years taking care of HIV positive people.
The project gave us the possibility to visit the 45 Health Centres of the District, run by Nurses that are often obliged to manage all the pathologies in a very difficult setting.
Proper Doctors are very few, about 8 in all the District, and even fewer are the medical devices at the nurses’ disposal to cure patients.
For example, very few Health Facilities are equipped with instruments for blood pressure measurement and for blood glucose check. All the Dispensaries are supposed to give children all the necessary immunization according to Kenyan law, but most of them lack of fridges, which are vital to keep serums stored in a proper way.
There are not big problems in shortage of medicines, but the Facilities often lack shelves to store them. They also lack tables, beds to visit patients, glasses to close the windows, electricity and running water.
That is why we have decided to start a little fund raising, in order to give the nurses a chance to work in a proper setting.
A little help from you could make a very big difference, in order to improve health conditions of all these people who are often denied the right to a good medical treatment.
Here’s a list of those goods we are willing to buy through our fundraising:

- sfigmomanometers (40); stethoscopes (10); fridges (3);
- glucometers (15);
- shelves to store medicines (5); beds (2);
- building material for a small nursery room for HIV positive children;

Raised funds shall be sent to the following bank account:
BRANCH: Murang’a
Account name: SLICO
Account number: 006606565101

On behalf of our friends from SLICO, we really want to thank you for joining our fundraising.
If you want to be updated on our activities, please check out our blog, or contact us:
Valentina Tomajer:, Massimiliano Sala: